Wednesday, November 19, 2008

shoulder gettin back on track!!

Yesterday at crossfit i was able to do light Push Presses and push jerks. I worked with 65 lbs and it did not bother my shoulder at all. The WOD was
5 rds
5 40# DB rt hand snatch
5 40# DB lft hand snatch (i used 20# for rt arm)
5 box jumps
Time--not real sure I did 6 sets by accident-somewhere around 2:50ish to 3 mins. So fast as Jfish said "we were so fast johnny called me a liar"
This WOD hurt pretty good, alot harder than I thought.

This morning we did clean technique work, I did two sets of bacd assisted pull ups. My shoulder sounded like sticks braking. The WOD today was tough. Jfish beat my ass!! Although I DID WORK HARDER THAN HIM!!!! todays WOD:
21 ab mat sit ups
1 push up
20 ab mat sits ups
2 push ups
and so go until you hit 21 push ups and 1 sit up.
It took me around 28 mins and some change to do this. I was able to do as RX!!! I did normal pushups..shoulder felt fine but upper body strength was laking today.
Going to get in some intervals runnning today. Might do 4x1k with 2min rec.
this afternoon I am going to break out the MTB for a lil roll around the ridge.


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