Monday, September 24, 2007

Back in the saddle again....

Nothing like getting some new bikes to fire up the training. After a quick vacation to Michigan last weekend it was time to put in some saddle time. The week prior I had some good rides, averaging around 10 hours per week. Nothing to structered, just good saddle time. Last week was a strong week in terms of consistent training.
Mon-1hour with Defur at North Boundary/ weight training
Tues-30 min run
wend-2 hours Haw ridge
thurs- 1:45 Haw ridge/ weight training
Fri-3 hours at haw ridge with dewey
sat-3:15 with thomas-greenways and roads-alot of climbing
Sun-20 min trail run with wife-4 hours trail work-1:45 at Concord with Chris
Today-1:30 hard ride with Eric at Concord
Starting to get my legs back a little bit. The SS riding has payed off in the hills, my arms and wrists have taken a beating on the rigid SS. So the new bike has been a blessing in terms of upper body fatigue. I can tell when I'm not lifting very much cause my upper body gets fatigued very easy. The program I tend to do goes like this:
Deadlifts 135lbs x 15 reps- 2-3 sets
pullups 10-15 reps- 1st 3 sets- 2 sets 5-10 reps
pushups 50 reps 1st set- 40 reps 2nd- 30 reps 3rd- 50 reps 4th
use baso ball- standing shouler press 30 lbs-15 reps-3 sets
walking lunges- 35 lbs dumbell- walked b-ball floor 2 mins- 3sets OUCH!!
bodyweight squats-2 sets 50 reps
Core movements

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another new bike!!!!

New 29er for the stable!!! Oh well, had to go with gears this time. But ordering some new wheels for the 29er SS. I really like this bike so far. Alot easier on the body, than the rigid SS. I look forward to some big rides on this new steed. When I picked it up, the boys decided to fill my front innertube full of water. I did not realize this until putting the wheel in my car. To my surprise my front wheel felt a lil heavy. As I tried to figure out what was wrong, I looked up and the glass door was full of laughing Harpers boys. Jokes on me!! The wheel weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs.

Defur got his new niner today, very nice bike. He will be racing it this weekend in Jackson, Ga. At a 12 hour event.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Ride

Got me a new toy!!! I picked up a cross bike last week from brother defur. So I guess that means I threw my hat ino the cyclocross racing. The race of PAIN!!!! Bring it BABY!!!! Maybe this will keep things interesting this winter.
Team New Balance will be showing up for an ADV Race in chattanooga on Oct 20th. So I have had to start running again and paddling a lil bit. This will be good training for the 12 hours of Hill of Truth. I will be teaming up for the 4some this year. I think we should do alright, got some pretty quick guys lined up. But I will be the only one going SS, which may be getting a new wheelset in the next couple of weeks.
I am enjoying the cross bike alot. I did an epic ride on saturday, then sunday left from the house and rode to Concord and back. It is a different ride on tight singletrack, but alot of fun. Did a run yesterday morning then last night did hill repeats at the Blvd. OUCH!!!
Flying out in the morning for a little R and R in michigan. Going to see my best buddy and play some golf. Then take in the Michigan and Notre Dame game, see which team wants to go 1-2 on the season first. Be safe!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gotta love East TN....

Mr. Adam Campbell snap this photo today in Morristown......Classy..notice the sticker

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Rode from the house, out the greenway and along the waterfront. Tail-gaters were set up all along the way, as Drew and I worked our way to the south the Knox trails. While most of Knoxville is watching college football and getting pumped up about some orange colored football team, we put down an epic ride in our own backyard.I enjoy football season as much as the next guy, but a game is just much more enjoyable after a long ride. And todays ride was about four hours of ride time, and we were gone for about 5 hours. Bearden->Lyon's Bend->Cherokee Boulevard->Third Creek->Waterfront->Cross the river at John Sevier->Ijams greenway->Meade's Quarry->Forks of the River->The Hann's Property->Forks of the River-> Ijams->Island Homes->Downtown->Fort Sanders->Third creek->Sutherland->Harpers->Home.

**stole images and write up from **
What a EPIC ride..without a doubt top 3 rides ever. Alot of fun, different terrain all day. It was refreshing to go on ride from the shop. There is endless amounts of potential for this area. Will be back soon!!! Now it's time to drink some cold ones and watch some football....

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Back at it..

Found some pics from the Poker Run adv race. Oh sooooo close to an overall win, but yet so far away. I have been on the bike 5 out of the last 6 days. This morning met up with Thomas, Eric, and John for a lil SS beat down. We climbed just about everything and went on alot of good technical trails. Overall real good ride. I think we rode for about 4 hours. Today is exactly what I needed, to get my ass back in shape. I plan on riding this whole weekend, road ride tommorrow and maybe hit the parkway on monday.