Monday, September 24, 2007

Back in the saddle again....

Nothing like getting some new bikes to fire up the training. After a quick vacation to Michigan last weekend it was time to put in some saddle time. The week prior I had some good rides, averaging around 10 hours per week. Nothing to structered, just good saddle time. Last week was a strong week in terms of consistent training.
Mon-1hour with Defur at North Boundary/ weight training
Tues-30 min run
wend-2 hours Haw ridge
thurs- 1:45 Haw ridge/ weight training
Fri-3 hours at haw ridge with dewey
sat-3:15 with thomas-greenways and roads-alot of climbing
Sun-20 min trail run with wife-4 hours trail work-1:45 at Concord with Chris
Today-1:30 hard ride with Eric at Concord
Starting to get my legs back a little bit. The SS riding has payed off in the hills, my arms and wrists have taken a beating on the rigid SS. So the new bike has been a blessing in terms of upper body fatigue. I can tell when I'm not lifting very much cause my upper body gets fatigued very easy. The program I tend to do goes like this:
Deadlifts 135lbs x 15 reps- 2-3 sets
pullups 10-15 reps- 1st 3 sets- 2 sets 5-10 reps
pushups 50 reps 1st set- 40 reps 2nd- 30 reps 3rd- 50 reps 4th
use baso ball- standing shouler press 30 lbs-15 reps-3 sets
walking lunges- 35 lbs dumbell- walked b-ball floor 2 mins- 3sets OUCH!!
bodyweight squats-2 sets 50 reps
Core movements

1 comment:

1SpeedBrian said...

1 month and no updates, what happend to you Drew?