Wednesday, April 25, 2007

B Day Ride Epic ride

Well as I was walking out the door to go to concord for a quick ride this morning, I decided to take the day off work and go to Haw Ridge and ride. It was an amazing day, low 70's and sunny, tommorrow is suppose to be ugly. So today had to go big. Roll Time 6hrs 13 mins. Great ride, felt good all day, stayed aerobic as much as I could. I rode just about every trail out there today. I rode the first 5hours by myself which was not that bad, but this year I have not really focused on the ultra stuff so I was surprised I rode as smooth as I did today. Defur came out and rode the last hour with me. We did our normal loop in 55 mins which is not far off what we normally do. We kept a good solid tempo, which I tried to do most of the day. Defur had already got one ride in today, 25 road miles this morning. So I was happy with how we both rode. Tommorrow I will get in a swim and maybe recovery spin...see how the taint is feeling. Pics to be downloaded later...gotta relax...oh yeah wife got me a Massage chair....cant wait to get it.

1 comment:

swede said...

so... how's the weld today?