Friday, December 19, 2008

Dec 17- AM) 4 mile run with wifey
PM) Deadlift session
Pulled 385#!!! This was a new PR for me!! Last year I pulled 405 but not with good form. Everybody was throwing some weight around. Ashley has some good video from the other night. Check out the "deadlift video"
Ashley PR 385#-Jason PR345#-Warren 315#-Brian 405#-D ROB 525#...and he ran out of weight. Pretty freakin impressive. And let us not forget J Knox off the chair no warmup 385#.

Dec 18- Got out for a late afternoon road ride with Defur and Blake. It was suppose to be in the 60's and clear...try 50's with sprinkles. Busted out the "gunnar" raod bike for the ride. I have not been on this beautiful steed in a while. We did the Plantation ride which has 5-7 damn good hillls. I rode pretty well, i tried to do a few hard intervals while climbing and was able to hold a steady tempo for the last few miles. Overall we rode for around 1hr 22 mins.

Dec 19-AM) 4 mile run with wifey
40 pullups
50 Swings 53#KB
60 ABMAT sit ups
70 Burpees
This was just awful!!!! Those damn burpees were terrible!! I had to do my HSPU with my feet on the back ext. I am not ready for 30 HSPU, plus it puts my shoulder in a very wierd position.
The pullups were not too bad, I kipped for all them. The swings were unbroken, sit ups, not bad....but those damn burpees are awful. If it wasn't for J Knox pushing me I would not have finished the burpees any faster. He kept telling me "dont think, just work" I have to admit, I likey that saying. I was in alot of pain but it was worth it when I finished.

I am feeling stronger and faster everyday of trianing. I have not yet begun Ironman training, but I can tell you this....I will be ready when the time comes. I am still trying to figure out my exact training plan for Ironman. But I know this, I will continue training with

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