Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dec 9- OFF
Dec 10-2 x KB clean x 10 reps
Triplet of (3 x power clean, 3 x fr squat, 3 x jerk)
75# 95# 115#
Squat clean
2x5 @ 50% 95
2x3 @ 60% 105
2x2 @ 70% 115
2X1 @ 80% 125
1x1 @ 90% 135
Dec 11- 1)12reps x KB jerk r/l
2 mins step up (no weight)
rest 2 mins
3 rounds
2)8 x BP press @ bodyweight
2 mins of lat/low rows
rest 1 mins
3 rounds
3)6 x pull up
6 x dip
6 x back ext, atomic ups
Dec 12- Reps 20,16,12,8,4
KB swings l/r, push ups
ball slam/pull up
snatch/tri push ups
1 min rest after round
Then 2 rounds of 10
KB clean and press 10,10
Evil wheel 10,10
KB high pull 10,10
jumping pulls 10,10

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Dont think to hard, you'll only hurt the ball club
Me and my new love

Ove and Patrick....Post Do work

Dec 8-workout:those burpees suck

10x pull up

20x KB swing rt/lft each arm

30x jump over HBag

40x push up

50x sit up

60x burpee

12 mins 2 sec!!!!! OUCH!!

1 arm KB clean and press 15 each arm/2 hand KB swings=3 rounds

40 push ups on DB's

Dec 7-Deadlift

3x5 @ 50%-135lbs

3x3 @ 60%-175

3x3 @70%-205

3x3 @ 80%-225

2x2 @ 90%-255!!!!

towel pullups 3 sets x 5 reps

Rower for w/up 1 min on 1 min off

The 225 and 255 felt very good. No back issues at all, good form

(PM) road ride 32 miles with defur at topside road.

Dec 6- Evil wheel

KB 2 hands swings

KB around the worlds/figure 8's

Dec 5-5 rounds 30 sec work/30 rest/ 30 work

1 arm KB swings l/r

1 arm KB cleans l/r

front squat

1 arm KB push press l/r

10 burpees

pat and ove came over to play. They both did very well.

Dec 4- Deadlift 185lbs 5 reps

Cleans 85lbs-5 reps

Bench press-205-5 reps

All exercises equal one set---10 sets

Knees to elbows 10 reps

pushups-20 reps

5 rounds

rower: 10 x 1 min 1:40 pace

Monday, December 3, 2007

Do Work Blue Collar Yard

The rings--they sting a lil bit

The kettlebell-35 lbs--OUCH!!

For those of you who know this is the name that I have given my garage gym. Pull up bar, heavy bag, tires, med balls, dumb bells, rings, rower, and kettlebells....what more do you need. No BS arm curls or tri exts or any BS glamour muscle builders. Its all old school power strength training. I have always enjoyed push ups, pull ups and crazy wierd "painful" stregth exercises. So I thought why not share my pain with others. I have had a few come thru and fewer have stuck around. These exercises are not for the faint of heart. And just to be on the safe side there is a bucket if things dont work out in your belly. Trust happens. I still have my gym membership and go 5 days a week but supplement my other training in the garage. I am training Rymer right now and its just easier to hit the gym than hang in the garage. But I am slowely adding new gear for the "DO Work" gym.

I feel training is going well, bike: focusing on base miles, and just started hill repeats. Run: my foot has flared up again, so I have beacked off the running. My strength training is going very well right now. I pulled 22 straight pull ups the other day. Cleaned 145 last week, thats after doing 8 sets of variuos reps. Now with the kettlebells, I feel I will only get stronger. My weight is staying right around 205-207, my bodyfat is 10% as of 4 weeks ago. I had a assesment done at the gym. My towel pullups are getting stronger, doing around 8-10 reps 3-4 sets. (After my regular workout)

Nov 26- (AM)Workout: Six-Way BB Complex: 6x Deadlift + 6x Row + 6x Hang Clean + 6x Front Squat + 6x Back Squat + 6x Press + 6x Push-up One set each@ 75#, 85#, 95#, 105#

Step ups 2 mins 25 lbs DBells

(PM) 1hr 15min hill repeats with Dan

Nov 27-(AM)Workout: Six-Way BB Complex: 6x each of Deadlift, Row, Hang Clean, Front Squat, Back Squat, Press, Push-up One set each @ 75#, 85#, 95#, 3 sets total Then: Clean: 1x5 @ 50% 1x3 @ 60% 1x3 @ 70% 5x2 @ 80% 4x1 @ 90% Then: Jerk: 1x4 @ 55% 1x 3 @ 65% 1x3 @ 75% 1x2 @ 80% 3x1 @ 90%

(PM) 1 hour 15 min road ride with Defur

Nov 28-Death by fifty

Sumi DL 50 reps-Pullups 25- Hindu squat 50-push ups 50-Thrusters 50-Step ups 50- wall ball 50

(PM) road ride

Nov 29-Night ride 3 hours at concord on single speed

Nov 30-10 wall balls, 10 burpees 2 sets

spider mans across gym-hop jump 3 sets

Med ball slams-abs

med ball throws for 5 mins then 3 mins

Dec 1- with patrick at the house


squats-pull ups-push ups

Did it in 13 mins!!! Patrick pulled 14:55

Holy cross push ups-towel pulls

heavy bag

Dec 2-rest

Dec 3- 4 rounds work/rest/work

Rd 1- 30sec/30/30

Rd 2- 25/25/25

Rd 3- 20/20/20

Rd 4-15/15/15

Heavier weight each set

1 arm KB swings, 1 arm KB rows, 1 arm suitcase DL, knees to elbows, KB clean and press, knees to elbows

OUCH!!!! This one hurt.